Partit Popolari Ewropew
Il-Partit Popolari Ewropew jissejjah PPE (bil-Malti) jew EPP (bl-Ingliż) fil-qasir.
Il-PPE jagħraf li fl-2009 ser ikun hemm ħafna sfidi għall-Ewropa.
Il-PPE għandu ħafna għanijiet:
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Partit Socjalista Ewropew
Il-Partit Soċjalista Ewropew jissejjah PES fil-qasir.
Il-PES iridna nivvutaw għall-Unjoni Ewropeja progressiva.
Progressiva tfisser li tagħmel xi ħaġa li ġġib il-bidla.
“L-Ewwel in-Nies / “People first” hu l-isem tal-pjan politiku tal-PES.
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L-Għaqda tal-Partiti tal-Ħodor fl-Ewropa.
l-Għaqda tal-Partiti tal-Ħodor fl-Ewropa għandha pjan ġdid.
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Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe can be called ALDE for short
ALDE has a plan for Europe.
ALDE has ten political priorities.
Priorities are the most important things that must be dealt with first.
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Independence – Democracy Group
The Independence / Democracy Group can be called ID for short.
The ID is made up of 22 people from 9 countries
This group do not all share the same ideas
It is a group that represents independent candidates
Independent candidates are politicians that do not belong to any political party
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Partiti Politiċi Maltin u Gruppi Ewropej
Il-Partiti Politiċi Maltin jagħmlu parti minn dawn il-gruppi politiċi Ewropej.
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